Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Life's pretty Radical...

Been awhile since I've updated, but it's because I've been pretty busy in the last few months, and for good reason! I come bearing exciting news!

Hard work and persistence finally paid off, as I'm currently located in Atlanta, Georgia working a 3 month internship with the animation house Radical Axis. Radical Axis is most widely known for it's work on [adult swim]'s Squidbillies, as well as the short-lived Comedy Central show, Freak Show, as well as the short web series, Window Seat. I've already learned so much, and look forward to the next 2 months as I try to learn and grow even more as a young animator.

The best part of the internship, by far, is that I'm not stuck doing exercises or running to get coffee. I'm actually setting up, keying, and tweening scenes for syndicated television network shows. Production credits people! That's HUGE, and more then makes up for the lack of pay. I hope that in my time here, I can leave some sort of lasting impression, and hope that enough work rolls into the studio that I might get the opportunity to hang around. I've really grown to like the people I work with, as they're all incredibly talented, smart, funny people. It's a great work environment, and I don't really want to think about leaving them in a few months. BUT, such is life, and if it must be, then it must. All I can do is work hard and wait to see what happens.

Other then that, life has been pretty uneventful. Most of my days are spent at Radical, with a bit of freelance or side project tossed in on nights and weekends. I turned 23, which was interesting being so far from home, friends, and family. I suppose that's what happens when you get older and venture farther and farther down the road of adulthood. All in all, though, I can't complain.

Even after just a month at Radical, it's become very apparent what level of animation I need to achieve to make it in the industry. And even though I've only been here a month, I look at my demo reel and think of how much stronger it needs to be. My entire portfolio in general really. I've gained so much confidence and drive by just being in a professional studio (everyone at work would give me hard time for calling it "professional", though I beg to differ), and I look forward to approaching future challenges with a sense of pride and determination. Very exciting stuff!

So that's it, really. If and when some of my work hits the air, I'll be sure to let everyone know. Until then, stay happy, healthy, and continue to do things that makes you smile. Can't really ask for more then that!

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