Monday, February 16, 2009

"Just lookin' for what's comin..."

I watched No Country for Old Men this weekend with my friend Morgan, and I really was upset with the ending (as with most Cohen Brother's movies), but with my predictable Cohen-frustration comes a second wind, where I watch the movie again and see what they were trying to say. What I got from it was this - that life happens, and you can't predict what's coming. There's just things in life that you can't undo, and we have to live with our decisions sometimes. We all have to play the hand we're dealt, with no real certainty about how it's gonna turn out. It also touches on points of fate or chance, and how most times, in the end, it's just an extension of you.

Family went to Mexico (minus my brother and myself), enjoying the sun and good times that warm weather has to offer. I'm still plugging away at work and spending my evenings prepping my portfolio for the career fair in a few days. It's funny what I've gotten done since I've graduated - it didn't feel like much, and although it doesn't compare to what I produced taking 3 new classes every few month for school, I did get a handful of new work that shows a wider variety of my skills. So I'm proud of that.

I'm headed back home after the career fair to help a good friend, Dan Edwards, with some storyboard stuff. I really can't thank Dan enough for what he's done for me creatively and personally, as a friend. He's always been supportive of my work, and he's always eager to involve me in projects and career related tasks. I'm really looking forward to getting back to start on this project as well - it's funny and creative, and I've been looking for a project to really flex my acting and staging muscles for animation. I hope it can turn into something, but it has potential to be a great portfolio piece either way.

So I guess that's it for now.
Until next time!

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