Monday, December 8, 2008

You know it's bad when...

...Australia is taking jabs at the US.

I found this to be very interesting, and reflected how we as Americans, more often then not, feel a compulsive need to be the best, the greatest, the grandest. It's a simple article about drinking in Australia, and how bad it's gotten.

The BBC reporter asks the following question to a British migrant:

BBC Reporter: "As a British Migrant to Australia, where does this country get its boozey reputation from?"

British Migrant: "Western Culture. Western Culture, isn't it? Western gotta be doing things in excess. You gotta be assumed to be having the best time, the greatest time, the biggest time - the best weekend ever."

I mean, he's absolutely right.
"Can I get that super sized?"
"This is gonna be the best birthday ever."
"Give it your best shot."

Why not just give it a "shot" sometimes? Why do we always compete in this country? Land of opportunity, sure, but how many college students end up in the hospital with stress related sicknesses ever semester?

It really gives you that knock in your stomach - that awful, guilty feeling. It's like being associated with that kid who causes trouble in school, even though you know deep down he's got good intentions. But what's that saying, "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions"?

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